Monday, February 21, 2011

helllooo choristers!

so... the blog has been dead for quite some time now so i decided to liven it up with a post. *crickets chirping*... okay anyway let's just get straight to the point:) for those of you who weren't at choir practice last Friday (and there were quite a lot of you), in a nutshell, we practiced the three SYF pieces, namely the wind, londali, and hiathningarima(is that how you spell it?). aaannd please remember that for the seniors are supposed to have memorised ( or at least internalised) these three pieces and (according to allison) SYF auditions are coming soon sooo if you still don't know your stuff you better make sure you do it or get someone to help you or else... okay i think that's all for now. remember that you chose choir and choir chose you so work hard and most importantly enjoy yourselves!(i got that from one of the older posts, i'm not sure which one but it really does make sense in a literal sense, doesn't it?)

loads of love,